Thursday, February 25, 2010

Time Out Thursday

I just started reading Theta Mom's blog. I'm not a mom myself yet, but I plan to be! So I'm reading mom blogs, preparing myself. Theta Mom has "Time Out for Theta Mom Thursday". You basically take one hour for yourself in a month and then on the last thursday of the month, you post about it. Since I just saw this, I am going to take my one hour today! I plan on going to get some awesome coffee, take my book with me (I'm reading The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks), and sit by myself and read. I don't read NEARLY as much as I would like to. I have stacks of books that I want/need to read but I just don't take the time! Maybe I should have a certain day a week set aside just for reading.

What will you do for YOUR one hour?

Much Love,


  1. Thanks for sharing - so glad you did!

  2. Hey I am a lover of reading books. I have tons of them. I haven't read them all yet lol but I have them. I try to read alittle each night.

    Happy Timeout Thursday!

  3. Enjoy those books now! When mommyhood strikes you those books will be fabulous dust collectors! LOL I miss reading so much. I keep trying to find time but i get distracted! Does it count if I read blogs?

    Glad you linked up for time out thursday. I am now folloing you and so look foward to hearing bout your future trials and tribulations as a preggo and then a MOMMA!!!!

  4. I love Nicolas Sparks books...and yes Pink Haired Momma...I think reading other blogs count!
    Happy Theta Mom Thursday!

  5. Stopping by from Theta Moms! I love reading. I'm thinking of devoting next months time out to reading. Thanks for sharing.
