Sunday, February 28, 2010

Becoming a Super Wife?

I recently started a new bible study called "Becoming the Woman God Wants Me To Be". It is a 90 day study that is based on the Proverbs 31 Woman. (See Proverbs 31:10-31) I have always had the desire to be like her. (The Proverbs 31 Woman) When my parents decided to homeschool my sister and I (my 7th grade year), my mom bought a christian curriculum book called "Far Above Rubies" that was based on the Proverbs 31 Woman. ("A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies" Prov. 31:10) It talks about how she was pretty much like a Super Wife. Getting up before dawn, doing laundry, cooking, cleaning, changing the oil, rotating the tires, (okay, maybe not the last two!), working the fields, selling her harvest, making food for her family, staying up til midnight to pray for her family and then doing it all over again!


I really have a hard time getting up in the mornings, so that is something I have to work on. (With GOD'S help!)

Back to my point. I'm a week into this study. In the front of the book it tells about everything you're supposed to learn from the book. It's really all about getting life in order. Being organized, keeping housework done, bills paid, etc. Basically becoming the ultimate Super Wife!! But it starts with your daily walk with God. Starting first thing in the morning. This has also been a struggle of mine. Remember I have trouble getting up in the morning! So waking up enough to really focus on God and getting to know Him better hasn't happened a lot in my life. I'm not perfect and I don't read, much less study, my Bible every day like I want to. And when I do, it's RARELY in the morning. Which was a big reason I wanted to do this study. And I'll be honest. It didn't happen every day this week. The few days that I DID do my quiet time in the morning - I had a MUCH better day than I have in a while! I felt refreshed, motivated, and energetic! Better than any energy drink could make me feel!

I saw something the other day that kinda made me think of that feeling.


I saw two dogs in the back of a truck. Hanging their heads over the side. Wind in their faces. Not a care in the world. Oh how wonderful to have that complete freedom! When I spend time with my Savior in the morning, I feel like those dogs, like there's nothing I can't handle! I've got GOD on my side!
I am looking forward to this next week! Spending time with God, getting a little more organized, becoming a Super Wife!

How are you like a Super Wife?

Much Love,

1 comment:

  1. I think I need that book :) I am so not good at making time for God. Never have been. I'm not a reader to begin with. I totally need to work on that. Keep it up! :)
