Tuesday, July 28, 2009


So, I've been adding/moving/removing things on my blog. I've been looking at hundreds of other blogs to get ideas. There are some really amazing blogs out there!! I'm not sure how long it will take me to be done with mine, but I will definitely let everyone know when I'm done. Hope you enjoy watching the transformation!

Much Love,


  1. Good luck on your remodeling...
    I want to jazz up my blog too, but when will I find the time...
    Just stopping by from SITS. Hope your day will be fabulous!

    P.S. I'm giving away a subscription to House Beautiful. Interested?

  2. Hi from India, dropped in from SITS. Best of luck with your blog AND with your wedding plans..

  3. I'm forever adding things/moving things/just doing something to my blog too!
