Sunday, September 13, 2009

My Heart is Sad

I am sitting in a concert, right this second. Point of Grace and Mark Shultz. Love them both.

I have been a fan of Point of Grace (POG) for 10+ years. Literally. Their voices mold together as if they were meant to be. One of the best acapella singing in the world. They have had 24+ #1 singles. (I say 24+ because they have an album called "24" which is all of those together.) I have always wanted to be able to sing like them. They have been musical role models to be.

Until now.

This concert has disappointed me beyond belief. They have started going country. It makes me so sad. They can do so much better! You can't even hear their voices as much now. They have always been known for using their voices more so than the instruments in the band. Not anymore.

This may seem like a dumb post, but I have admired them for so long. Pure, poweful, christian music. Songs that make you feel the presence of God.

Tonight, they sang "Thank God I'm a Country Girl", etc.


Don't get me wrong. I love me some country music. But if I had wanted to hear country music, I would have gone to a COUNTRY concert.

So disappointed. I feel like part of my history has died. I just want to cry.

Yes it is dramatic. But music is my PASSION. Can you blame me?

I'm gonna enjoy Mark Shultz now. Check him out. He's awesome.

So is POG's old stuff.


Much Love,

1 comment:

  1. That is kinda sad! I used to listen to POG all the time. I just can't imagine them singing that style, I'm sure that was a disappointment!
